A couple years ago I started to blog however, I let it fall to the wayside. I am back to try blogging again and determined to not let my blog suffer from anymore neglect. Since I haven't been on here in a while I thought I would "re-introduce" myself. My name is Ashleigh and I'm 22 years old. I live in Los Angeles where I was born and raised. Straight out of high school I went to pursue a degree in Visual Communications. After getting my AA in Visual Communications I decided I should get a BA. So, I am currently working towards my BA in English Literature. I have a passion for both fashion and literature. Therefore my blog name reflects that. H.P. Lovecraft is one of my favorite sci-fi/horror authors and lace is one of my favorite things to wear. I have a closet filled with various creme and black lace pieces. When I'm not at work I spend my free time hiking, reading, writing, listening to music, going to concerts, and hanging out with my friends. I suppose I am your typical 22 year old girl. I'm glad to be back in the blogging world and excited to see how my blog develops. Here are some random pictures of my life in the last couple years to give you guys an idea of what I've been up to.

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